Nomination Form
  • ABC HOF Dogs
  • ABC HOF Members
  • ABC Hall of Fame & ABC Life Members


    To be eligible, the dog must be dead. Date of death must be within the past 15 years. Nominees should be animals that knowledgeable breeders would look for in pedigrees when establishing or improving breeding programs. They should epitomize the dual ideal and during their lifetimes have achieved National recognition from Brittany fanciers for their show and trial (field and obedience) ability through successful competition on a multi-regional or National level, and/or that produced a high average of progeny from different dams or sires who were generally acknowledged as being of extra merit.


    In 1993 the Board of Directors voted a Hall of Fame for Distinguished Members, honoring those who have given exceptional service to the club. The original honorees were inducted in 1994.
    The following is a list of the qualifications for nomination to the Hall of Fame for Distinguished Members:
    1. The individual should be involved in the ABC for more than a few years, 15 years is suggested.
    2. Their contribution to the club and sport has been outstanding.
    3. The individual has contributed to the National Club in many ways: member, club officer, judge, breeder,
    4. The individual may be living or deceased.
    5. The Brittany club and the Brittany has benefited because of that person's involvement.


    Life Membership may be conferred upon any person who has rendered notable service to the Breed of Brittanys or The American Brittany Club, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present at an Annual Meeting of the General Membership, acting on a petition signed by at least fifty (50) Active Members. Life Membership provides full privileges of membership in the Parent Club, but does not carry with it obligation of duties or dues. Those persons, upon whom Honorary Memberships have been conferred pursuant to By-Laws provisions previously in effect, shall be Life Members.

    Hall of Fame Dogs
    2021 FC/AFC Lane’s End Bowtie Annie
    2019 FC/AFC Blaze Dakota Trucker
    2019 NFC/DC/AFC Ru-Jem's A Touch Of Bourbon
    2017 NAGDC/FC/AFC High Hopes Fly By Nite
    2017 DC/AFC/NBOB Tequila With A Twist
    2014 DC/AFC Masked Shoshoni War Chief
    2014 NFC/DC/AFC Shady's Tia Maria
    2013 NFC/NAFC/FC/AFC Just Call Me Roy
    2012 FC/AFC Poki-Dot
    2012 NFC/FC/AFC Shambo's Dark Shadow
    2011 NSTRA CH Nolan's Last Bullet
    2009 NFC/AFC Hi Proof Rum Runner
    2009 CH Jordean All Kiddin' Aside JH
    2008 NFC/AFC Diamond Hill Dan
    2008 FC/AFC Shady's Chik-N-Little
    2007 NFC/DC/AFC Gambler's Ace In The Hole
    2007 FC/AFC Hi-Scor Jac D Ruffian
    2006 FC/AFC Ajax VII
    2006 NFC/DC/AFC Tequila's Joker
    2005 NFC/AFC Aux Arc's Mark
    2005 NAFC/FC/AFC Jim De Bob's Sparks A Dan D
    2005 FC/AFC Jerob's Magic Tradewinds
    2004 DC/AFC R.C.'s Sundancer
    2002 FC/NFC Microdot
    2000 FC/AFC/NFC Beans Blaze
    2000 FC The Magic Moment
    1999 DC/AFC/NAC Renegade's Kansas Kid
    1998 FC/NFC Minnehaha's Tammy
    1998 DC Royal Britt Starbuck Of Auten
    1997 FC/AFC Rimarda's Trademark
    1997 DC Scipio's Little Chick
    1994 DC/AFC/NFC Cinnabar's Ami Roc de'Edwards
    1994 DC/AFC/NFC Markar's Jac's A Dan D
    1993 FC/AFC Reed's Bo-Nine Max
    1992 DC/AFC/NAC Hi-Spirit Buck
    1990 DC/NFC Tomar's Ban Dee Sam
    1989 FC/AFC/NAC Gun Runner's Far Out
    1988 FC Country Cousin Lost River
    1988 FC/AFC Le Car's White Smoke
    1987 DC/AFC Hi-Spirit Bazooka's Pistol
    1987 DC/AFC Jacque of Connie
    1986 DC/AFC/NFC/NAC Perry's Rustic Prince
    1985 DC/AFC/NAC Hello Dolly Miss Kaer
    1985 FC Holliday Britt's Bazooka
    1984 DC/AFC/NAC Colorado's Jumping Gypsy
    1984 DC/NFC Colorado's Yankee Timber
    1984 DC Joel's Copper Jacques
    1984 FC Kay-Cee Bandit
    1984 FC/AFC Scipio Spinks
    1983 DC/AFC/NAC Char-Lee O'Dee
    1983 CH Copper Jill of Edwards
    1983 DC/AFC/NAC Gringo de Britt
    1981 FC/NFC Goldtone's Duke
    1981 CH/AFC Sequani's Dana MacDuff
    1981 CH Sommet des Collines CD
    1980 DC/AFC/NFC Ban-Dee
    1980 DC/NFC Pacolet Cheyenne Sam
    1980 DC Tigar's Jocko
    1977 DC Doctor Joe of Kaymore
    1975 DC Lund's Trooper
    1972 DC Way-Kan Jeff
    1971 FC Way-Kan Jill
    1970 FC Jeffrey of Argard
    1968 DC Belloaks Ibby
    1968 DC Pacolet's Sam
    1967 Allamuchy Valley Warrior
    1967 Price's Sunflower Gal
    1966 DC Dingo's Little Mike
    1966 FC Ferdinand of Leeway
    1966 DC Holley Haven Duchess
    1965 DC Allamuchy Valley Uno
    1965 DC Angelique de Bretagne
    1965 DC Avono Happy
    1965 DC Brit of Bellows Falls
    1965 Fr. CH Gwennec de l'Argoat
    1965 DC Helgramite Howie d'Acajou
    1965 Kaer de Cornouaille
    1965 DC Pacolet's Cheyenne
    1965 CH Patrice de Sharvogue
    1965 DC Patsy Of Edough
    1965 DC Pierrot de Fontaine Vallee
    1965 DC Pontac's Dingo
    1965 DC Tex of Richmont
    1965 FC Torchy of Lionheart
    1965 DC/NFC Towsey
    1965 DC Uno's Jet
    Hall of Fame Members
    2021 Ed & Judy Graves
    2020 Fred Strawson
    2019 Delmar Smith
    2014 Dr. Ron Harling Sr.
    2013 Robert Rankin
    2013 Rick Smith
    2013 Louis A. Thebaud
    2012 Ken Jacobson
    2012 Mary Karbiner
    2011 Bill Tiedeman
    2010 Robert Fleury
    2009 Ron Curtis
    2008 Rosco Staton
    2007 David Lincoln
    2007 Dave Walker
    2007 Ron Zook
    2006 Joan Donnell
    2006 Dr. Gordon Theilen
    2006 Wade Haines
    2005 Jodi Engle
    2005 Judy Tighe
    2004 Loyd Budd
    2004 Francis Clasen
    2003 Al Ady
    2002 Janet Chase
    2002 Bill Schreiber
    2002 Gene Salmons
    2001 Mary Jo Trimble
    2000 Dr. Rita Keating
    1999 Lloyd Conable
    1999 Dr. John Webb
    1997 Ella Conable
    1997 Barbara Wade
    1995 Harold Brown
    1995 Rheta Cartmell
    1995 John W. Lee
    1995 Catherine "Kitty" Murphy
    1995 Joy Searcy
    1995 William E. Stevenson
    1994 William E. Averill
    1994 James B. Bell, Jr.
    1994 Marcelle Bell
    1994 Nicky Bissell
    1994 Howard Clements
    1994 Coy Conwell
    1994 Paul Dawson
    1994 Jerome Halle
    1994 Lee Holman
    1994 Rene Joubert
    1994 Dr. Chester Keough
    1994 Walter Kleeman
    1994 Lloyd Manck
    1994 Jack Meyers
    1994 LaReine Pittman
    1994 Lawrence Richardson
    1994 Maxwell Riddle
    1994 Alan Stuyvesant
    1994 Velma Tiedeman
    1994 Ray Trimble
    1994 Lucien Ufford
    1994 Dr. Fred Z. White
    Life Members
    2015 Diana Kubitz
    2013 Nancy Clendenen
    2013 Lucille Sawicki
    2009 Leslie Andreas
    2005 Ron Zook
    2004 Mary Jo Trimble
    2003 David Kenney
    2001 Janet Chase
    1999 Doug Birchfield
    1999 Bob Heinel
    1998 Bob Lanham
    1998 Gene Salmons
    1997 Evert Davis
    1995 Dub Emde
    1995 Wayne Fessenden
    1995 Robert Fleury
    1993 Francis Clasen
    1993 Jack Hires
    1992 Dorothy Macdonald
    1992 Ray Trimble
    1992 Dr. John Webb
    1992 Judy Webb
    1991 Catherine Murphy
    1991 H.O. Patrick, Jr.
    1990 Rheta Cartmell
    1989 Harold Brown
    1989 Nora Ganje
    1989 Claude T. Young
    1988 Lloyd Conable
    1988 Joy Watkins
    1987 Charles Ayers
    1987 Marge Ayers
    1987 M.F. "Bo" Guest
    1987 Velma Tiedeman
    1986 Marcelle Bell
    1986 Herman Bonine
    1985 Ella Conable
    1984 Dick Culbert
    1981 Ejner Lund
    1980 Amos Greer
    1980 Everett Metzger
    1978 LaReine Pittman
    1977 B. Len Rix
    1976 Ellyn Lee
    1976 John G. Lee
    1975 George Wilson
    1974 Nicky Bissell
    1974 Lee Holman
    1973 Ruth Lee
    1972 Clarence Goering
    1971 Gerald Price
    1970 Jack Whitworth
    1969 Dr. R.C. Busteed
    1969 John W. Lee
    1968 Howard Crippen
    1968 Henry Hollyoak
    1968 T. McWhorter, Sr.
    1965 Bob Buick
    1965 William E. Stevenson
    1964 James B. Bell, Jr.
    1964 Dr. Fred Z. White
    1960 William E. Averill
    1960 Howard Clements
    1957 Lucien Ufford
    1956 Coy Conwell
    1956 Walter Kleeman
    1955 Jerome Halle
    1951 Paul Dawson
    1951 Jack Meyers
    1944 Maxwell Riddle
    1944 Alan Stuyvesant
    1942 Rene Joubert
    1942 Dr. Chester Keough
    1942 Lawrence Richardson

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    © American Brittany Club Inc. - All Rights Reserved
    Last updated February 25, 2007